Sonic's White Glove Diaries -

Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda

1st January 2000

Dev Diary - Part III.

So things were going smoothly - SRB2 is having a great new engine, and we've got a zone done already. What went wrong?

Firstly - Stealth was gone, moving house and needed to sort things out for a while - because of this SRB2 wasn't making much progress.

Then, A.J came in and gave me a revised plan of the engine, I'd seen what he's done with Sonic Doom II - granted, it was no-way near reaching a full platform game, but AJ showed me that it was possible, after some days of thinking about it, combined with what was happening in SRB2 right now, I made the desicion to move to 3D.

And from there, things moved along at rocket pace - after a few days, we'd already got all three Greenflower levels up and running - granted, at this stage, Sonic still bounced around, waving a pistol, and the enemies consisted of Black-Eggmen, which had to be shot down, but it was progress.

From there, the game moved along quickly... the engine was, after six months, finally set in stone, with a plethora of planning ideas - SRB2:3D was beginning!

Next time: Action plan!