Sonic's White Glove Diaries -

Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda.

25th April 2000 -

SRB2: XMAS 0.94 – Why stuff isn’t always entirely our fault…


Well, a few days late as far as the public website launch is concerned, but I hardly anticipated I’d be part of a car-crash. Ho-hum, we’re still alive (so stop booing in the back there!) and SRB2 progress continues at rocket speed.


The new release was a godsend as far as bug-fixes went, meaning that the camera has improved, gameplay has been tidied up, and we’ve polished the new stuff we’ve put in, and even went as to introduce what everyone had been crying out for over the past few months – analog control. Except few people, it seemed, had bothered to read the ReadMe file.


Which later explained why people were saying, “The control is messed up! It’s a serious bug.” – I kept replying, “It is analogue control. It’s not a bug; it’s what you wanted. It clearly states in the Readme that it isn’t done yet.” The other part of the cause is that I believe most of you have gotten used to Digital control and are relatively comfortable with it. However, steps are being taken to improve it.


Which brings me onto the ‘Why stuff isn’t always entirely our fault…’ part. Releasing new features is becoming a dangerous business, as many are expecting SRB2: XMAS a finished product. It’s a TEST version. Ergo: It’s not complete and new features can / will hiccup but will be fixed for the final version. The next version of SRB2: XMAS will introduce the first ‘SRB2 Exclusive’ multiplayer mode… Tag. No doubt there will be some complaints even if we stick ‘It is NOT complete’ in the Readme.


So please, please, please, please, PLEASE read the Readme file before you play or send in bug reports, chances are, it’ll answer a good 95% of your questions.


Next time: The Contest!