Okay, first of all, let's start with some random things:

*EQUIPMENT* This means that you either need some program or some hardware.
*TEST* *END* These tell you to drop what you are doing and click the test button
*SIDENOTE* *ENDNOTE* This is basically when I'm making a note that you need to be aware of.
*WADAUTHOR* This is a note for WadAuthor users, the other SRB2 map editor.

Okay, first of all.

You need:
Sonic Robo Blast 2 1.09.4
Doom Builder
The DB Config
Chapter 1: What you need to do the first time you do this stuff that we are doing and stuff.

Okay. First, install DoomBuilder to wherever you want. I personally put it in it's own subfolder in the SRB2 folder, but it's really a matter of preference. However, throughout, I will be assuming you have DoomBuilder at C:\DoomBuilder and SRB2 at C:\SRB2. Now, put srb2edit.cfg into your DoomBuilder folder. Then, start DoomBuilder. You'll get a cool little splash screen, then the main DoomBuilder screen will pop up.
It will say something about new configs detected. It should go to a menu with a bunch of games on it. If it goes to "Map Options" instead (this has been known to happen), then close that window and go to Tools -> Configuration -> Files, and you'll get to the menu with a bunch of games on it.

Now, given that this is Doom Builder, most of the items on there will be Doom related games. However, there is one item on there we need, and that is Sonic Robo Blast 2. We need to configure the IWAD, which basically tells Doom Builder the graphics and types and all that jazz. Don't worry about that technical aspects of it, just know that it needs an IWAD.
The IWAD we will use is srb2.srb. So click the browse button, go to your SRB2 folder, and type in srb2.srb. Then press enter. You should see something in the box saying "C:\SRB2\srb2.srb" or stuff like that.

Anyway, that's all you need to do. Fool around in the menu if you want, but you likely won't understand most of it unless you know Doom terms. Press OKAY, and you'll be done with this chapter.


