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Q & A

Spazzo - June 11, 2010

Hey, guys, you all enjoying v2.0.6? Glad to hear it!

Anyways, since the tension and pressure has finally been relieved behind-the-scenes, I thought I’d take a quick moment to address a few questions.

Q: Whoa, OpenGL is enabled? Why’d you guys do this?

A: In the past, we have had seperate “opengl-enabled” EXEs released using a different compiler. Not only did this take away any reason for us barring its use officially, but it created stability issues when you tried to play the game on an EXE without OGL. It was decided that — for the sake of simplicity, ease of use, and to please our users — that we should just enable its use to the public.

Q: Does this mean you guys are actively working on fixing OpenGL?

A: Yes and no. Our priority at this moment is not to concentrate all of our development resources on perfecting our second renderer. With that said, if solutions to existing  issues with OpenGL are brought to us, we have no reservations integrating them — just don’t expect feature implementations anytime soon.


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